Leeza’s Care Connection

Leeza’s Care Connection was created by TV personality Leeza Gibbons to answer the question, “Now what?” when her mother had Alzheimer’s disease. We understand that taking care of someone you love often means relentless stress and unbearable grief. Our free programs and services offer strategies and solutions to help family care partners cope and not collapse. We believe that those who are forgetting should not be forgotten.


Tax ID: 56-2356697

SKU: Leeza's Care Connection Tax ID: 56-2356697 Category:

Andrew Gomez Dream Foundation was founded to honor a successful Paul Mitchell School graduate whose struggle against mental illness ended tragically in suicide. Thanks to generous donations, the foundation helps cosmetology students, graduates, their families, and cosmetology-related enterprises. Funds have provided educational opportunities, hurricane relief, and support in the fights against breast cancer, domestic violence, and other destroyers of self-esteem.


Meet Our 2024 Supported Organizations

This year’s Paul Mitchell Advanced Education’s FUNraising campaign supports the following organizations.
Click on the charity you want to support or choose Andrew Gomez Dream Foundation to support them all.